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Human Growth Hormone

The primary job of HGH is the stimulation of growth at the cellular level. It is key in the growth and regeneration of the cell structure in humans and animals alike. It can only work with specific cells and biologically synthesized, stored and released from the pituitary gland. In the United States, they are used as prescription drugs for treating children who have growth deficiencies. Use of it in professional sports is prohibited because of how it can give some advantages to the users over those that do no use it. This does not mean that ordinary folks can’t take it as such as it can help build your body.

One thing that people taking the Human Growth Hormone often fail to do is to understand what it really does. A Human Growth Hormone or HGH is a hormone created within the body, more precisely in the pituitary gland, that greatly affects the aging of the body and the metabolism. Thus, a HGH therapy’s the main goal is to assist the body’s hormone production, and improve certain functions, including the calcium retention of bones and the effectiveness of the immune system among others, says HGH Australia. An HGH therapy also has certain aesthetic anti-aging effects such as slowing down the appearance of wrinkles, making it a great alternative to the traditional anti aging supplements.

The human growth hormone or GH synthesized in the pituitary gland is made of a definite number of amino acids; 191-amino acids following anexact sequence. It is described as a fragile composition that has a molecular weight of 20,000. It has a well defined 3 dimensional structure and the only known source for it is that is synthesized by the pituitary gland. This means that it can only be made with the use of human genetics. Beyond this, its make up and fragility makes it very hard to preserve. It can only be injected in its liquid form and it is very sensitive to heat and cold says http://hghaustralia.net.

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